Al di la della Luna; Beyond the Moon; Astrophotography; Astrofotografia; Danilo Pivato
The Analysis of Frame
M31, M32 & NGC205: The Great Andromeda Galaxy - [field: 4,1° x 4,1°]
List of the brightest globular clusters of M31 shown on the map:


G035 = Bol 312
00 39 40.3 +40 57 03
V = 15.5; Size 2.9"
18" (9/20/03): at 323x this stellar M31 globular appeared mag 15.5 or fainter, though could almost hold continuously with averted vision. Located 16' NW of the starcloud NGC 206 and 1.8' E of a mag 14.5 star. Two mag 10.5 stars lie 3' and 4' SE.

G052 = Bol 005
00 40 20.3 +40 43 59
V = 15.7
18" (12/8/07): extremely faint M31 gc, stellar at 300x. Located just 2' WSW of the center of the large starcloud NGC 206 near the SW end of M31. Required averted vision to pick up but identification confirmed using a photographic finder chart.

G058 = Bol 006
00 40 26.7 +41 27 28
V = 15.5; Size 2.3"
18" (9/20/03): extremely faint stellar object at 323x requiring averted to identify with certainty, estimate mag 15.5-16. Located 3.5' NE of a mag 10.5 star and 14' due south of the center of M110.

G064 = Bol 012
00 40 32.8 +41 21 45
V = 15.1; Size 2.3"
17.5" (8/17/93): very faint, visible with direct vision as a mag 15 "star" located 45" SE of a mag 13 star. This object is one of the most remote globulars from the central core and arms of M31 and is situated 20' W of the center of M31 and 20' S of M110.

G073 = Bol 020
00 40 55.3 +41 41 25
V = 14.9
17.5" (10/30/99): this globular appears as a mag 15 star just off the E edge of M110. Visible without difficulty 1' NE of a mag 12.5 star and 2.5' S of mag 9.3 SAO 36570. This object is the brightest globular cluster in M110

G072 = Bol 019
00 40 52.8 +41 18 54
V = 14.9; Size 2.2"
17.5" (10/30/99): this M31 globular appears a mag 15 star located 1.5' WSW of mag 12.5 star. There is a 1' pair of mag 12.5 stars situated 5' S which is nearly collinear with the globular.

G078 = Bol 023
00 41 01.3 +41 13 45
V = 14.2; Size 3.2"
17.5" (10/30/99): easily identified as a mag 14.5 "star" 2.0' following a mag 12.5 star which forms a 1' pair with a similar star due south. Appeared slightly "soft" compared to nearby stars though not resolved with certainty. M31-G72 is located 5.4' NNW.

G076 = Bol 338
00 40 58.8 +40 35 47
V = 14.3; Size 3.6"
18" (12/8/07): relatively bright mag 14.3 "star" within a "W" or Cassiopeia shaped asterism. At 300x, this M31 gc has a soft appearance with a small, hazy halo with averted vision 2"-3" diameter. With direct vision a brighter stellar "core" dominates and the halo shrinks. Coincidentally, the orientation of the constellation Cassiopeia in the sky was very similar at the time of the observation. A mag 14-14.5 star lies 22" SSE. Located 10' SE of NGC 206 near the SW end of M31. C107 is located 6' W.

G087 = Bol 027
00 41 14.6 +40 55 51
V = 15.6; Size 2.9"
17.5" (8/26/00): this extremely faint M31 globular (15.6V) was not seen at 220x but picked up at 280x. Forms the eastern vertex of a small right triangle with a mag 13 star due W and a mag 14 star to the SW. Located 17' WNW of the core of M32.

G096 = Bol 034
00 41 28.2 +40 53 49
V = 15.5; Size 2.7"
17.5" (8/26/00): this mag 15.5 globular in M31 appeared extremely faint at 280x but easier than M31-G87 situated just 3' NW.

G119 = Bol 058
00 41 53.0 +40 47 09
V = 15.0; Size 2.7"
18" (12/8/07): this M31 gc was picked up at 225x as a faint mag 14.8-15 "star". The location was easy to track down using a photographic finder chart as it's located 6' NNW of mag 7 HD 3914 and 10' SW of M32. At 300x it appeared to have a very small halo, ~2" diameter in comparison to nearby faint stars.

G124 = Bol 063
00 42 01.0 +41 29 11
V = 15.7; Size 2.3"
18" (9/20/03): at 323x this difficult 16th magnitude M31 globular required averted to glimpse and was only visible intermittently. Located just west of a line with two mag 10.7/11.3 GSC stars 3' NE and 6' NE. Slightly brighter M31-G150 lies 5' NE.

G148 = Bol 086
00 42 18.9 +41 14 02
V = 15.2; Size 2.9"
18" (9/20/03): extremely difficult observation as this M31 globular is situated only 5' SW of the center of the core of M31! Glimpsed several times at the correct position. A few other very faint stars (not plotted on the GSC) in the vicinity were also glimpsed intermittently.

G144 = Bol 082
00 42 16.0 +41 01 15
V = 15.5; Size 2.8"
18" (9/20/03): this extremely faint M31 globular required averted vision and could not hold continuously. Located 2' N of a pair of mag 12.5/13 stars. The observation is hampered by the bright background glow of M31. Located 10' NW of the center of M32 and just 16' SSW of the center of M31! More difficult G144 is located 13' N near the core itself.

G150 = Bol 088
00 42 21.3 +41 32 15
V = 15.4; Size 2.7"
18" (9/20/03): at 323x had some difficulty acquiring, but once identified was visible nearly continuously. Estimate mag 15.6, although probably more difficult due to background glow of M31. Located 1.5' W of a mag 10.7 GSC star and 2' NE of a mag 11.3 GSC star.

G156 = Bol 094
00 42 25.0 +40 57 21
V = 15.6; Size 2.5"
18" (12/8/07): at 300x, appears as a mag 15.5 "star" just 1' W of a mag 9.5 star and 6' NNW of the center of M32.

G172 = Bol 110
00 42 33.2 +41 03 26
V = 15.3; Size 2.4"
17.5" (8/26/00): very faint, stellar, mag 15-15.5. This M31 globular forms the south vertex of an equilateral triangle with mag 10.5 and 12.5 stars ~2.5' NW and NE. Located 12' N of the core of M32 and 13' S of the core of M31.

G213 = Bol 158
00 43 14.5 +41 07 21
V = 14.7; Size 2.5"
18" (11/13/07): relatively bright M31 globular (V = 14.7) situated just 1' W of a mag 11.5 star. Easily picked up at 225x though located just 10' SE of the center of M31 and barely off the east edge of the main portion of the halo. At 450x, G213 appears quasi-stellar with a tiny fuzzy disc perhaps 2"-3" in diameter. With direct vision a stellar nucleus is sometimes visible or the very small halo simply fades out.

G219 = Mayall IV = Bol 358
00 43 17.8 +39 49 13
V = 15.2
17.5" (1/12/02): picked up at 220x as a very faint mag 15 "star", possibly quasi-stellar. At 380x, appears as barely nonstellar glow, ~2" in diameter. Easily visible at this power.

G222 = Bol 171
00 43 25.8 +41 15 38
V = 15.3; Size 3.2"
18" (12/10/07): very faint mag 15 "star" on the east side of the core (8' from the nucleus) and collinear with two mag 12 stars 1' WNW and 2' WNW. At 220x has a "softer" appearance than nearby faint stars and seems to have a 1.5" to 2" disc. G235 lies 2.4' ESE.

G233 = Bol 182
00 43 36.8 +41 08 12
V = 15.4; Size 2.6"
18" (11/13/07): very faint M31 globular, appears stellar and close to mag 15.5. Situated 1.2' SE of a mag 11-11.5 star and 4.3' ENE of G213. This globular is located 12' SE of the center of M31 just along the eastern edge of the disc. The field is peppered with numerous mag 11-12 stars and an equal mag double star lies 3.5' due north.

G244 = Bol 193
00 43 45.7 +41 36 58
V = 15.3; Size 2.6"
17.5" (8/18/93): extremely faint, appears as a mag 15.5 "star". Cannot hold continuously but easy to locate just 1.5' S of distinctive line of three equally spaced mag 13 stars of 2' length. Located along the W side of the NE extension of M31 and 5' NW of a mag 9 star.

G257 = Bol 206
00 43 58.7 +41 30 18
V = 15.1; Size 3.2"
17.5" (8/18/93): very faint, although listed as V = 15.0. Fairly difficult as superimposed on obvious haze of M31. Can just hold steadily with averted vision. This M31 globular cluster is located at the NE edge of the core and 4' S of mag 9 SAO 36609.

G256 = Bol 205
00 43 58.3 +41 24 38
V = 15.5; Size 3.1"
18" (12/10/07): extremely faint mag 15.5 "star", but position confirmed at 260x (7.5mm Tak LE). Requires averted vision and some patience in fairly poor seeing. Located 1.6' ENE of a mag 11 star.

G280 = Bol 225
00 44 29.8 +41 21 37
V = 14.2; Size 2.7"
18" (11/13/07): appears as a relatively bright mag 14.3 star at 225x. This globular has a soft appearance at 450x with a very small fuzzy disc ~2" diameter. On a line to the SW is the elongated cluster M31-C410 (1.2' SE) and M31-G272 3.7' SW. Located 20' ENE of the center of M31 along the east edge of the NE flank.

G279 = Bol 224
00 44 27.2 +41 28 51
V = 15.5; Size 4.9"
18" (12/10/07): very faint, mag 15-15.5 "star" that is easy pinpoint as it's located at the midpoint of two mag 12 stars oriented WSW-ENE and separated by 1.6'. A string of star associations (A40/41/42) is close following.

G287 = Bol 233
00 44 42.0 +41 43 55
V = 15.8; Size 2.2"
17.5" (9/28/02): marginal 16th magnitude globular in M31 located 2.5' WSW of a mag 13/14 double in the NE portion of the outer halo. Only glimpsed occasionally at 324x.

G302 = Bol 240
00 45 25.2 +41 06 25
V = 15.2; Size 2.5"
17.5" (9/28/02): faint, stellar. This is a fairly easy mag 15.2 globular located 6' SSW of mag 9.1 SAO 36631 and collinear with mag 12 and 13 stars 5' and 6' NE.

G305 = Bol 373
00 45 42.0 +41 45 35
V = 15.6; Size 2.2"
17.5" (9/28/02): identified at 324x as a very faint, stellar mag 15.6 globular at the NE end of M31. Located 47" NW of a mag 13.5 star.

Since: 01/01/2004
Since: 01/11/2010