Al di la della Luna; Beyond the Moon; Astrophotography; Astrofotografia; Danilo Pivato
Click on a thumbnail images to see a larger view

Transit Venus: June 06, 2012 - Mt. Piselli - Ascoli Piceno - Lat. +42° 47' 24"  Long. 13° 34' 27"E

Thanks to Antonio Forcina for company and support

Mid Adriatic Basin
Kurba Vela & Zirje - Croatia from Italy
03h 18m 56s U.T.
Sunrise: 03h 19m 57s U.T.
03h 20m 01s U.T.
03h 20m 39s U.T.
03h 20m 44s U.T.
03h 22m 19s U.T.
03h 23m 27s U.T.
03h 23m 55s U.T.
03h 24m 06s U.T.
03h 24m 52s U.T.
03h 25m 22s U.T
03h 26m 23s U.T.
03h 32m 05s U.T.
Adding Nikon TC-20E duplicator - Equal Focal Length = 2000mm + Astrosolar Filter
03h 53m 50s U.T
04h 29m 18s U.T.
04h 29m 19s U.T.
04h 29m 20s U.T.
04h 29m 21s U.T.
04h 29m 22s U.T.
04h 29m 23s U.T.
04h 29m 24s U.T.
04h 29m 25s U.T.
04h 29m 26s U.T.
04h 30m 18s U.T.
04h 37m 26s U.T.
04h 37m 45s U.T.
04h 37m 59s U.T.
04h 39m 16s U.T.
04h 43m 26s U.T
Location & setup
Compared Mercury & Venus

Attrezzatura impiegata:

Rifrattore acromatico Vixen 102M su GM2000 QCI

DSLR  Nikon D3 + duplicatore di focale Nikon teleconverter TC-20E

Filtro metallico Astrosolar D =110mm



Since: 01/01/2004
Since: 01/11/2010